A friend of mine told me the following quotation last week. (Something like this at best. My memory ain't so bad, I hope)
Those who lose their minds get married
Those who lose their temper get divorced, and
Those who lose their memory get married again
"Getting divorced is like changing a job" said Kazuyo Katsuma, an economist. When I first heard her analogy, I did not really buy it. As learning the opening quotation later, however, I realized there are some truths in it. That is, sound decision-making is very important at some life stages. So are patience and the humbleness to learn from the past failures.
These words are reminders to me. I had a dream. Working hard and getting busier, however, I lost it. To start a new job, I watched Will Smith's "Pursuit of Happiness", but it's more important to remember why I chose this job, and what I wanna do in the future.
My Bible
Last year I met a book: Jeffrey Sachs's "the End of Poverty". I remembered him as an "cold-hearted" economist who implemented so-called "shock therapy" to transform the post-communist Polish economy to market capitalism in 1990s. But, as reading the book, was surprised to learn that now he works for ending poverty in the world by initiating the UN Millennium Development Project, in which I really wanna join.
As meeting HR consultants and attending seminars of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and so forth, they all reminded me of the old feelings: the excitement during college and the reality of my African friends. Although I haven't gotten one this time, I won't give up. Everything that has happened to me only solidified my career vision.
I should admit I wasn't competitive enough. Hence, I have some lessons to be learned. The lessons that I haven't planned well, that I didn't keep studying for the career, and that I only sought the reasons why I can't do it rather than how I can. The new job ain't the one I really wanted to get, but I do believe it helps build up my career path, and in line with my dream.
So, if I lose myself again, remind me of watching "The Pursuit of Happiness" and reading "The End of Poverty" (and perhaps this piece of my blog as well).
btw, the friend who mentioned the first quote is getting married soon. Congrats!! It's funny that a soon-to-be bride says such words, but I guess it's just her way to conceal her joy and happiness. And I'm so positive that she and her husband will live happily ever after.