There are many ways to realize you get old: wrinkles on your face, worsening eyesight, declining stamina and so on. But, if you're lucky (or unlucky?), you might not be able to find your wrinkles on your face thanks to your worsening eyesight. I'm still at early 30s, so it did not go that way so far (hopefully). Still, I felt aged lately in several ways.
Seeing a kid growing up is one. Last year I found an old friend, who used to be a little kid when I was a twinkle college student. OMG, she's now studying at the college where I graduated a decade ago!!
Also feel getting old physically, as my stamina does not last as long as it used to when I run or try to stay out. A couple of weeks ago, I stayed out late to cramstudy for my final exams, but it didn't work out like the way I used to do a decade ago. When I applied for this business school, I knew it was gonna be very tough two years. Well, it turned out harder than I expected. I'm afraid I am satisfied with the fact that I did come to class. Even attending class is something especially after hard full-time work at office, but that ain't good enough.
Also, I learned a lecture with PowerPoint presentation is bad for understanding. Such a presentation only makes me FEEL understood. But, to really understand, need not only review it but also think such an argument by reading books and discussing with friends. Business focuses more on HOW while academics WHY. PowerPoint presentations summarize issues and initiatives simply while omitting the backgrounds why it is so.
Now unlike a full-time college student, I have a full-time job, less time for study, and more responsibility. Yet, they should not be an excuse. Rather motivation and energy. When spring semester resumes in April, I've got to study harder. In the meantime, I'd better review what I learned last semester and what I'm planning to take next. Having spent one semester, I feel weekday nights and weekends are so long. Long enough for reading books and studying. Plus, some more time for workout as well.