
76 (nana-roku) sedai

A couple of years ago, "76 (nana-roku) sedai" was a frequently quoted word among Japanese media. Literally, it means 1976 generation. They were born around 1976, and are successful entrepreneurs of IT business.

The two books I've been reading lately reminded me of the word. I was impressed (and a little shocked) how young the authors are and what they have achieved.

One is "ハーバードMBA留学記" (Studying at Harvard Business School) by Daisuke Iwase. Having earning a distinctive honor at the school, he's launched a new insurance business in Japan.

The other is "産業再生機構 事業再生の実務 第I巻" (Turnaround Business by the Industrial Revitalization Corporation of Japan Vol.I). The book is compiled by scores of authors whose ages weren't specified in the book, but according to the introductions of authors, at least 8 out of 45 in total are my generation, I suppose. Reportedly, the IRCJ, founded in April 2003, successfully finished its mission last June, handling 41 turnaround deals (incl. Daiei and Kanebo) and accumulating the profit of over 30 billion yen.

Myself is another "76 sedai", by the way.

虎者死留皮 人者死留名
Can I live like the old Chinese saying?


Anonymous said...

katsu-g씨도 화이팅!입니닷!!

T.Mayuzumi said...

A superior of my company(He is also 76 sedai) said ”We are 貧乏くじ世代”.
May be it is truth, in one side.
Really our generation is polarized.

And He retired in this year, and now He is working in Ishigaki islamd...(^^;

May be, we are the sturdiest generation after the war ?