Well, don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about sadism and masochism but about Starbucks Coffee and McDonald's Premium Roast Coffee!!
Lately I stop by McDonald's a couple of times (or more) a week. As in some consumer reports, Premium Roast Coffee is not that bad at all. I can get a cup of coffee as cheap as 100 Japanese yen, but at Starbucks it costs 280. McDonald's has renovated its stores with an outlet for laptop. I don't have one, though...
Get a different perspective
I haven't completely converted to McDonald's. Not yet. For now I rather spend my time at Starbucks (or Tully's) in the morning and at McDonald's in the afternoon. I'm not a Jedi, you know. Given the figures that Starbucks has only 750 stores in Japan (as of March 2008) and McDonald's 3,746 (as of Dec 2007). Obviously, Starbucks needs to open more coffee stores to compete. But, as a frequent user, I want more seats!!May Force be with you. Good Luck, Howie.
By the way, it was surprising to find out that Starbucks has 15,756 stores worldwide and 11,168 stores, accounting for 70% of the total (as of 1Q in 2008) in the US while McDonald's 31,377 and 13,862 respectively (as of FYE 2007).