
"In Between" (by Linkin Park)

"To live is to choose. But to choose, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go, and why you want to get there."
-- Kofi Annan, a former Secretary General of the United Nations --

In summer, do you order iced coffee at Starbucks (or any other coffee shops)? Or hot?

For me, no straight answer.

In the early summer (like June), I order a cup of iced coffee. No hesitation. But, now in July and on to August, I have to carefully analyze where I want to go (for here or to go), how long I stay here, whether air-conditioners' wind directly hits, etc. Because a Starbucks coffee shop is oftentimes as cold as iced coffee. Even though baristas are willing to customize your drink (like non-fat, venti, soy chai latte with a half shot of espresso, no foam and extreme hot), no personal customizing for room temperature. Be careful when you CHILL OUT.

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