
Tackling Tax

"Nothing in this life is certain but death and taxes," Mark Twain said.

This is not the reason, but somehow it turned out I'm taking two tax courses this first semester: "Tax Law" and "International Tax Accounting". Both classes are quite interesting in many ways, but especially in that the professor/lecturer have backgrounds from the opposite ends.

The Law is taught by a former top of National Tax Agency while the latter by a tax consultant from a Big 4 accounting firm. Given the decline of tax revenues, the Agency surely want to tax more. On the other hand, a tax consultant advises "tax management".

tax burdens

Living in Japan, it's hard to see one's tax burden. Many of us need not file tax return individually. Our employers do it instead. 5% of sales tax is not as high as that of Europe or America. While unemployed last year, though, I felt the burden as painfully as much. Perhaps, such trauma unconsciously led me to take the two classes.

Nothing is certain with which grade I pass the courses. But, as Tokyo's autumn is getting deeper and night longer, I have more time for study. "Autumn for Study" (勉強の秋) has come.

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