
Ultimate Goal?!

Having been going to grad school for one month, one of concerns I share with many friends is family relationship.

Weekday's classes are from 6:30pm through 10pm, and 9am through 6pm on Saturday. As working on homework more and more now, we're getting less time to spend with our family.

Knowledge is power, and to make it sustainable we got to study. But, is family time (and relationship) an opportunity cost we have to give up? Of course not!!

Still, during a 15-min break or before a class begins, my friends say, "my wife complains we don't go out lately", "my wife's getting mad!!", "I don't talk much with my wife these days" and the like. Then, we wonder how those who graduated have managed the relationship.

But, seemingly our school provides a solution by offering a course like "Strategic Thinking and Communication". I'm not taking it, but the school recommends to take in the first semester.

Or Finance itself might provide an answer because Finance is defined as:
the study to search for how to allocate limited resources on a time horizon.

Studying "the Introduction to Finance" and "Corporate Finance", I will find an answer hopefully.How to effectively and efficiently allocate my limited time.

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