
Yes You Can

In his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004, Mr. Obama said "there's not a liberal America and a conservative America; there's the United States of America."

It's a great, moving statement. Not only Americans but also people around the globe were impressed by the young senator from Illinois.

Like many others, however, I had some doubt on his points. Perhaps because I lived in Missouri: the state known as "Show Me" state. Or because I received a "critical thinking" education at a US college. Or as a risk analyst, I've been trained to assume the worst scenarios for every single case. (I'd like to strongly deny the last possibility, though.)

It's easier to be said than done.

Yesterday's Mid-term election results are discouraging for Obama administration. Reportedly Democrats retained its majority in Senate, but House was overtaken by GOP. President Obama took the responsibility for "shellacking".

Still, as far as I know, he hasn't given up his 2nd term in the oval office, and above all his presidential term has 2 more years. It's not over. Given the worst recession since the Great Depression and the mid-term election results, his task is harder than ever. As Alan, a French philosopher, said, "Pessimism comes from our passions, optimism from the will." Now is the time for Mr. Obama to put his words into action. A show time has just started.

Yes, You Can, Mr. Obama.

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