
Best Albums of the Year (2006)

Here is a list of the Best Albums in 2006 and how to enjoy 'em at a Starbucks Coffee shop (in my biased opinion, of course).

1. "Timeless" (Sergio Mendes)
I'm not a big fan of Brazilian music, but Black Eyed Peas' will.i.am did an excellent job!! He transformed a Brazilian music into a new HipHop.
Recommended with Today's Coffee, with a spice of cinnamon, OR Soy Latte in weekend mornings.

2. "Once Again" (John Legend)
John still looks a little childish, but this album is mature. My favorite songs are "Heaven" and "P.D.A."
Recommended with Caffè Mocha with an extra espresso shot at weekday nights.

3. "St. Elsewhere" (Gnarls Barkely)
"Crazy," a smash hit from this album, knocked me down. The song makes me crazy!!
Recommended with Caffè Latte mixed with Tazo Chai Tea whenever you're depressed at your office! The cup definitely cheers you up!!

Looking forward to meeting new, great songs this year!
No Music No Life!!

PS. I own neither Starbucks coffee stocks nor Tower Records, by the way. Just a fan.

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